Program Accreditation > Criteria & Standards

The project is aimed to assist the institutions’ to have self- improvement system and develop their own characteristics through the external assessment done by professional experts and scholars. In the meanwhile, the institution can review himself whether or not he has met the missions and objectives originally setup by the institution to analysis the necessity of making improvements. The followings are the descriptions about indexes.

Objective Perspective

  • The perspective is aimed to set up the indexes and review the implementation progress to understand the Program/Department’s operating system, characteristics, development objectives, strategic plan, teaching objectives, and students’ basic competencies and professional capacities.


Teaching Perspective

  • Aim to understand the curriculum design and the enhancement of faculties’ teaching performance.


Learning Perspective

  • Aim to understand the students’ counseling system and the enhancement of students’ learning outcomes.


Resource Perspective

  • Aim to understand the situation of the resources’ allocations, including the software and hardware facilities, room and books. Moreover, the supports to departments’ administration and expenses are also included.


Sustainability Perspective

  • Aim to understand and ensure the strategies for sustainable development and self-improvement mechanism.