Program Accreditation > Operational Directions


All the Colleges/Institutes/Departments/Programs that provide the degrees of Bachelor, Master and Doctor from the universities and colleges recognized by Ministry of Education



Valid for 6 years Valid for 3 years
  • Fully equipped with the competencies for self-assessment
  • Both the missions and objectives are fully carried out to improve the performance and the strategic plans are also drafted with sustainability. Long term stability can be expected in the institution’s future development, including sustainable management and development of self-made characteristics.
  • Only equipped with the competency for setting up vision and mission, not for self-assessment
  • Both the missions and objectives are fully implemented to enhance the performance and the strategic plans are all drafted with sustainability; however, the certainty about sustainable management still cannot be ensured and more characteristics need to be developed for better visibility.
  • The validity of the accreditation starts from the announcement date of the result
  • Application for accreditation extension can be raised 6 months before it becomes invalid; new application for accreditation shall be raised once the application period for extension is passed.


  • Does not fully accomplish the institution’s vision and mission
  • Neither the missions and objectives can be fully implemented to improve the performance nor can the strategic plans be executed for sustainable management.
  • If the institution does not agree with the result, an appeal can be raised to “Appeal Committee” according to “Operation Rules for Accreditation of Degree-granting Programs”.
  • Accreditation application can be raised again within 1 year after receiving the result; or, the improvement plan can be released in the following year to the Accreditation Team to have their feedback for better and sustainable improvement.